Whitethorn Hardwoods

Whitethorn Hardwoods offers an extensive inventory of California native hardwood lumber, slabs, and wood products. Our hardwood inventory includes California Claro Walnut, Tanoak, Madrone, Pepperwood, Black Oak, and Chinkapin. We also work with softwood species including Redwood, Douglas Fir Cypress and Pacific Yew.

With our on-site mill, wood kiln, and woodshop we are able to make a variety of products and provide services for the wood working community.

The focus of our vision and work includes:

  • Milling specialty wood products to showcase native hardwoods - slabs, flooring and lumber

  • Design and crafting of furniture for homes and outdoor spaces

  • Providing services for the woodworking community – custom milling, slab flattening, planing and sanding

  • Training makers in traditional woodworking skills – carrying on art and knowledge

  • Contributing to a regenerative local economy

Get In Touch

The hardwoods staff are available Mondays and Fridays for questions regarding our hardwoods selection and products. With our experience as  woodworkers we can help you choose appropriate materials for your woodworking project. Tell us the dimensions, the species, the color, and the ultimate use for the pieces. Save the driving time and call us before you make the trip out. Other days of the week are available by appointment.

Whitethorn Hardwoods
(707) 986-8090


Monday & Friday


Hours vary for other divisions and businesses on campus. Please check the division page or business website for more info.